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The Natural History Of Diamonds


As many people know, diamonds are formed primarily by intensive pressure. Over along period of time materials including carbon that are exposed to high temperatures and pressure for a prolonged period of time eventually become new and different compounds altogether.

The formation of diamonds is possible on Earth because it has areas that have high enough pressure and temperatures to provide optimal thermodynamic conditions for the formation of diamonds. Under most parts of the Earth’s surface, diamonds cannot form until depths of more

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than ninety miles below the surface of the earth are reached.

The formation of diamonds require temperatures around 1200 degrees Celsius (that’s 2200 degrees Fahrenheit) and pressure of approximately 5 gigapascals. Without these extreme set of conditions the formation of diamonds is simply not possible, though synthetic diamonds are produced my mimicking these conditions.

Eclogitic diamonds are those whose carbon is organic in origin. Ecologitic diamonds contain organic carbon from detritus that is organic and has been pressed down from the surface into the earth’s interior depths through the action of subduction or plate tectonics. Harzburgitic diamonds are formed with inorganic carbon that Is found deep in the earth’s mantle.

Diamonds that eventually push their way up through the earth’s surface are typically very old and range in age from 1 to 3.3 billion years of age.

Very small diamonds, sometimes called nanodiamonds of micro diamonds are sometimes created in other high pressure and high temperature conditions, such as when meteors hit the surface of the earth and cause shock zones and impact sites.

Generally, diamonds rise to the surface of the earth through deep volcanic eruptions. The magma of such volcanoes reaches deep into the earth’s mantle where diamonds are formed and are then carried up to the earth’s surface.

There are also volcanic pipes built into many volcanoes where diamonds can be picked up from deep within the earth and slowly moved toward the surface through these ‘pipes’ that eventually bring the diamond formations to the surface.

Diamonds have long been used as precious gems for decoration and such usage goes back to antiquity. Throughout history gemologists and those who trade precious gems have worked to better classify diamonds. Today, there are a few highly reputable gemological associations that ‘certify’ diamonds. These are the Gemological Institute of America, the International Gemological Laboratory, the American Gemological Society and the European Gemological Laboratory.

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